
Godiva and the Golden Dragon【電子書籍】[ Steven James Cardimona ]

Godiva and the Golden Dragon【電子書籍】[ Steven James Cardimona ]

<p>With the Royal Dragon banner following Harold Godwinsson, England enjoyed peace...until 1066. England suddenly found itself beset by enemies from across the sea.</p> <p>Harold of Wessex, Duke William of Normandy, and King Haraald of Norway: These pivotal characters were men of passion and strength. Not surprising then to find that the spark that lit the bonfire was a woman.</p> <p>Lady Godiva, wife of Harolds rival in Mercia, chooses a radical way to command attention. Aldbald, a craftsman of Coventry and the only eye witness to Godivas naked ride, falls in love with the Lady. Aldbald unwittingly carries the momentum which sets England on an irreversible course that destroys the mighty king of Norway, brings an end to Anglo-Saxon rule, and allows William to change his surname from the Bastard to the Conqueror.</p> <p>History records that it was William who won in 1066. However, on the battlefield where the future of England was decided, so too did Harold, Godiva and Aldbald each find that for which they searched.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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税込価格 468円

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